Lines and Shadows Joseph Wambaugh 9780553763256 Books

Lines and Shadows Joseph Wambaugh 9780553763256 Books

Tags : Lines and Shadows [Joseph Wambaugh] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b>The true story only Joseph Wambaugh could tell. A band of California cops set loose in no-man’s-land to come home heroes. Or come home dead.</b> Not since Joseph Wambaugh’s bestselling The Onion Field</i> has there been a true police story as fascinating,Joseph Wambaugh,Lines and Shadows,Bantam,0553763253,Criminals & Outlaws,Espionage,Organized Crime,Alien labor, Mexican - California - San Diego,Border patrols - California - San Diego,Mexicans - California - San Diego,Police patrol - California - San Diego,Undercover operations - California - San Diego,BIOGRAPHY & AUTOBIOGRAPHY Criminals & Outlaws,Biography & AutobiographyCriminals & Outlaws,GENERAL,General Adult,Non-Fiction,SOCIAL SCIENCE General,Social Science : General,TRUE CRIME Espionage,TRUE CRIME Organized Crime,True Crime : Espionage,True CrimeEspionage,True CrimeOrganized Crime,True crime,criminology;violence;crime books;true crime books;immigrants;mystery;crime;true crime;organized crime;espionage;criminals;outlaws;criminals and outlaws;bio and memoir;biography and memoir;California;true police story;police;Border Crime Task Force;San Diego;illegal aliens;police task force;border crimes;biography;biographies;biography autobiography;nonfiction books;true story;true stories;bios;non fiction;biographical;narrative nonfiction;memories;auto biography biography;non fiction books;mafia,mystery; crime; true crime; organized crime; espionage; criminals; outlaws; criminals and outlaws; bio and memoir; biography and memoir; California; true police story; police; Border Crime Task Force; San Diego; illegal aliens; police task force; border crimes; biography; biographies; biography autobiography; nonfiction books; true story; inspirational; true stories; bios; non fiction; biographical; inspiration; narrative nonfiction; motivational; motivational books; memories; advice; auto biography biography; non fiction books
Lines and Shadows Joseph Wambaugh 9780553763256 Books Reviews

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